Random Discussions

Hello @Thiyagarajan, I do not personally use an eq platform, but a friend of mine does. Howerver, it is not Goto in true sense. All it provides is tracking for about an hour or so after which you would have to reset you platform & get the object again in view. However, if you are using it for your photography (I have seen the pics you have taken, they are very good), then you can do a decent 50+ mins of tracking with it. Never come across anyone trying their Dob on a EQ mount. But, guess, that could be because, of the need for balancing. If you consider most of the newtonians on an EQ mount are smaller and lighter than your XT8 OTA.


Thanks @Gnana ! So is your friend using a EQ base or a EQ mount ? If base , can you pls enquire him about the base regarding its making and price details ? Because, as of now i am not doing any DSO photography , but just planetary . So for that, i am actually really struggling to handle a 12kg ota on one hand and operating a laptop on other.

Hello @Thiyagarajan, his is an EQ platform, I guess you are referring to it as EQ base. He bought his from firstlinghtoptics here in UK at about Ā£280. I donā€™t want to be a spoil sport but, am not sure if you would get any ready made one for your latitude. You may have to get the designs (there are many sites from where you can get them) and calibrate the measurments to your latitude and build one yourself I guess. But, please let us know if you find a ready made one somewhere or if you end up making one yourself. Iā€™m sure, everyone here would be keen to know.


Thanks for the information @Gnana

Hi ! Any events planned this month ?

We are holding a discussion about it tomorrow. Hopefully, the skies will remain clear like today for the next few weeks and we can do something


Hello @siva, any outcome from the discussion yet?

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Hello ! Few of my astro friends from Bangladesh are going to celebrate their second astro carnival on Oct 1st week and i provided them some of my photos as a collaborative between both the countries . Can I mention our CAC group also ?

Personally, I believe we all share the sky and Astronomy / stargazing is a shared human experience. After all, we all live in the same pale blue dot. So, Iā€™d say why not. However, the decision should come from either the admins / moderators.

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If it is allowed i would ask them to mention us as ā€œCollaboration between cac and bsrsā€ (Bangladesh space research society) or else i will change it into " member of cac and bsrs" is this ok ?

Yea thanks @Gnana ! What you said is true . Space is something which is out of our hand literally and everyone share the same common space ā€œthe earthā€

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Hi all , our group is almost dead . No one is active nowadays , is there anything we can do about it ?

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Though lot of events happening, the Chennai weather making things to hard. @siva seems to be travelling lot. I am always nudging him for Kavalur visit.

@Thiyagarajan , our events will be back soon now that the weather is opening up. We will plan our monthly meetups and star parties soon.


Good morning/evening folks!

So, as you all might have known, Chandrayan-3 is planned to be launched on 13th of this month (Thursday). So, if anyone is planning to view and photograph the launch from the ISRO launch view gallery ā€¦ pls let me know about the details of booking the pass and stuffs as I havenā€™t done one yet.

Thanks, in advance!

@Thiyagarajan What i heard is anywhere between 13th to 19th launch window.

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Hello! Is there any star party happening this month? Or any webinar/sessions/meetups?