Would you like to learn how to create star charts?

This is something that I have been exploring over the weekend. I did have some initial success today after figuring out the math thanks to a variety of sources.

I just plotted a sample image from an initial run of my program on an online plotting tool and this is what it looks like(the constellation of Orion, of course).

If there are a few interested people, we can have a session on this. It will be quite technical and requires prior programming experience.

Do let me know if anyone is interested and we can work out the schedule.


Yes I’m interested sir. I tried once however unable to draw.

Hi, I’m new to this forum (I just joined today). It’s probably too late to ask but I’m interested in learning to create star charts. Do you plan to keep some session?

I might do one towards the end of December

Im to interested, but i don’t have any knowledge on building star map😅