Same data used (I think I did not focus well
Orion wide
Finally brightness added on snapseed
Hi Dinesh! Lovely picture. Can you please post the details of the image? Like the aperture/ focal length of the imaging gears you imaged / filters used, exposures length and if stacked, how many sub exposures you used.
This was shot near Paramankeni (on the way to Pondicherry)
60 lights,15 Darks
subs 2.5 secs, F 2.0, sigma 18-35 @ 35mm with stock 750d,
post-processed in DSS and cropped and streched data in photoshop
Hi the honoured one here
In the first image itself I can see the flame and horse head nebula in the second image I can see the entire Barnard loop what kind of image processing software do you use to capture such magnificent detail (assuming this is non linear)
But the flame and horsehead are reduced to smudges what is the cause of such inconsistencies please let me know
Thanks in advance