Orion Nebula from Chennai

Last week, I tested my auto-guiding setup and took a photograph of the Orion Nebula in the process.

  • 20 x 150s light frames(anything above 150s leads to a washed out sky in my place)
  • 5 x 150s dark frames
  • 3 flats
  • ISO100

Here’s the stacked and somewhat processed file(open in Photoshop). If anyone is interested, please feel free to process it and share your results. Would love to know what processing techniques you use. Personally, I might give another shot at processing this to boost the Running Man Nebula and reduce the size of stars.




Love the red and green in the core!

Wow that was beautiful shot. Can i know how much light pollution you have in your area (bortle scale)…?

Bortle 8 or 9. I live in Chennai.

Can you mention your astrophotography kit used for this image ?

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  • William Optics Z81 refractor
  • WO Flat 6A III 0.8x reducer/flattener
  • HEQ5 Pro
  • Unmodified Canon 700d

Thanks for the information :+1:

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Used any kind of light pollution filter

Nope, no filters as of now.

Ho ok sir, Thank you for your information :+1:t3::heart:

Lovely details on the gases. Very clean image.

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Amazing. Love the colors!

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