Need help for photos

I tried to take a photo of the Orion nebula, but I used a DSLR so camera wobble and if I tried to take a photo for more than 3.2 seconds it will introduce star trails, so my photo had some stars, but I don’t know how to photograph continuedly I have a tracker but it’s an alt/azi tracker so what should I do to take photos continuedly for at least one minute so that I can stack please help

Please provide the camera model, lens model and focal length, and the model of your tracker.

camera model canon rebel eos t3
lens model celestron 114 LCM newtonian telescope
focal length 1000mm
apeture 114 mm

sorry for late reply

At F9 (~ 1000mm/114mm), the scope is too slow for DSO AP. But you can still try. If you align the mount properly, 30s should be doable.

At that FL, you can do some decent planetary AP. You may be able to use the camera to get an “1:1” video output which you can process with the stacking software. Read this to learn how to do the 1:1 pixel resolution video with your camera: 1:1 Pixel Resolution in Canon DSLRs for Planetary Photography

I will try this approach Thank you @vijay