Here are some astrophotos I took in the last one year. All DSO photos were captured with short subs and total integration times were not more than 40 mins and hence they lack detail. I don’t have the exact number of subs and total integration time for most of these photos. I’ll maintain a log for future photos.
Camera: Nikon D3500
Telescope: Konus Konusky 200
Preprocessing: PIPS
Stacking: Autostekkert for Solar Syatem objects and Deepsky Staker for DSOs
Post Processing: Registax for solar system objects. DSOs processed with PS and Siril.
I haven’t maintained a proper log (to document FPS, exposure, exactly what SW used to process etc) so far. But I’ll do it in future.
Triangulum Galaxy:
Integration time: Around 40 mins
Date: 28 July 2022
Konusky 200
EQ-5 mount with OnStep GoTo
Variable Barlow lens (2x Barlow lens on a variable eyepiece projection kit).
Focal length: Around 3500 to 4000
Good ones @vijay , it’s nice you’ve got ganymede as well with it and I immediately zoomed in to Saturn to see if you managed to capture any of the moons there, but in vain. Thanks for sharing.
Thanks @Thiyagarajan and @Gnana. Yesterday I was keen on capturing Saturn properly as it was my first time capturing Saturn with the 224MC. I tried capturing the other moons of Jupiter and I was able to capture Io:
Konusky 200
EQ-5 mount with OnStep GoTo
Variable Barlow lens (2x Barlow lens on a variable eyepiece projection kit).
Focal length: Around 3500 to 4000
I just now calculated the focal length at which these images were taken. It seems to be around 4300mm. The reason I was not sure about it was I’m using a modified Barlow.