Monthly Meetup - May, 2021

Hello everyone,

We will be having our monthly meetup on 2021-05-20T18:30:00Z. Will be looking forward to meeting you all. It will be held in our Skype group(if there are sufficient takers, we can move to Zoom…do share what you feel). Since there are many people with new equipment now, we can discuss how to use them properly in this meeting. I will also be talking about my experience in building a roll-off roof observatory, the things I learnt and what I might do differently the next time.

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Please join us at 7PM tomorrow in this Skype group - Join conversation

I would love to be part of these connects if any meetup happens during weekends.

@Chandrasekar_C I will be available in the Skype group from 4-5PM tomorrow. You can just join in and discuss whatever you want.

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