HDR moon capture

HDR moon [attempt] from yesterday night. This photo is a merger of 2 photos, 1 exposed correctly for the moon’s surface, and one exposed for the glow. The merging was done using layer masks in GIMP.

Exposed for surface: (the slight haze is due to very thin clouds passing by. There is still a bit of noise as too much noise reduction in LR blurs the surface details)

Exposed for glow:


  • Canon T3i
  • William Optics Zenithstar 61ii


  • Both raw photos were edited partially in LR
  • Masking and partial edits done in GIMP
  • Final edits done in LR for colour / temperature adjustments

Hi bro. I don’t know how to create HDR Moon image. That too everyone use paid softwares for creating HDR Moon image. Can you please say how to process HDR Moon images?

Hi, I used free software. I used GIMP and LR (mobile… That’s free too.) You just denoise the photo in the overexposed photo so that it won’t look grainy.

in GIMP after aligning the 2 images create a circular layer mask (using ellipse select) over the moon in the overexposed image (decrease the hardness a little) and then draw over the ellipse.

You can then take the photo back into LR mobile and do some extra adjustments.

(I am not the best at explaining stuff :sweat_smile:)