Circle around moon

Hey fellas, I’ve noticed today and quite a few times there’s a circle around moon. Can anyone please tell what’s that and why’s that?

Hello Surya, could you please provide some additional details on how you observed the moon? i.e., naked eye or using some sort of lens based optical aid?

If it was naked eye, then there’s a possibility of a diffraction effect due to thin sheets of ice crystals in the clouds, the infamous moon dogs. However, if it’s a lens based optical aid there’s a possibility of aberration. Therefore, some additional information might help answer your question.


I observed with the naked eye. I took some photos but it’s not that clear.

Thanks man.

Yes. It might be a moon Halo

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I saw the same effect while imaging the full moon of July
I’m pretty sure it’s just high thin clouds giving that halo. The same effect happens to stars I believe

i’m not too sure, been pretty cloudy here for the past few days

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